Volunteer Needs
Please sign up via signupgenius.com for current volunteer opportunities. Search for oakridgemiddlepto@gmail.com
Click on the Links below to sign up for these volunteer slots
If interested in any of these leadership opportunities for next year, please email oakridgemiddlepto@gmail.com for more info and next steps.
Board Positions
President, Treasurer, Secretary, Staff Appreciation Chair, Spirit Store Chair, General VP
Spirit Store
Lead spirit wear program and spirit spy fun
Business Sponsors
Link with community business sponsors for newsletter ads, fundraisers and events
Kindness Liaison
Lead and Support Holiday Giving Tree & Community Event Days
Grade Level Reps
1-2 Parents to represent a grade level and support the following initiatives:
* support fundraising activities at a grade level (i.e. silent auction basket coordination)
* support classroom funding proposals from teachers (i.e. help create ideas to support classroom funding needs at the grade level)
* host 2 meetings per year (Fall and Spring) with the teachers in the grade to talk hot topics
* provide PTO board feedback
* attend PTO board meetings - mandatory
* support room parents - share best practices - coordinate meeting in Fall and Winter
*Coordinate Fun Events with Staff
Fall Fundraiser
PTO leads fundraiser and needs additional help.
1-2 Parents to collect and organize donations for the OMS PTO Silent Auction Fundraiser
Winter Fundraiser
PTO leads fundraiser and will seek help with on day activities.
Sign up to volunteer via the sign up genius.
Become an OMS
SEARCH FOR OPPORTUNITIES: Create an account with signupgenius.com. Search for opportunities below and signup Links for volunteering will be provided.
BE ON THE LOOK-OUT: Check our volunteer website page or log in to signupgenius to search for current volunteer needs. The PTO Newsletters that are sent home and emailed will also provide the most up to date information for volunteer needs.
APPLY TO VOLUNTEER: Apply on the CCPS website to be a volunteer.
Get Registered!
Step 1: Apply on CCPS website (see link above)
Step 2: Attend the OMS Training OR Review the Volunteer Training information (see below)
Step 3: Email OMS Administration when registration and training is submitted: omsnotes@collierschools.com
Step 4: Before your first volunteer event, please go to the front office to provide a government ID with picture. (this can be done the same day of your volunteer event)​
CCPS Training Materials
Step 2: REVIEW CCPS Training Materials