business sponsors
The PTO is seeking business sponsors to help raise funds for student enrichment programs. With your help, our 1,200+ students will be able further their music education through the school with after school music programs and access to more instruments and musical programming.
How Can Businesses Get Involved:
Purchase a Banner! Banners will be placed on the gates towards Immokalee. Banners are 5x3 and require artwork to be submitted to the PTO. Cost for full year is $525.00. At the end of the school year, banners will be taken down and can be re-used for the following year.
Click below purchase online! To purchase offline, please send a check to OMS PTO (address below). In the envelope, please ensure business name and contact info is provided.
Submit Vector Art to
Place an advertisement in our Monthly PTO newsletter. This is emailed to 1000* families via the PTO distribution and a print-out version is distributed to 1,200+ students several times a year. The advertisement will also be shared on our social media sites (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) with the ability to attach links to your business. Monthly cost is $55.​
Business Sponsor
Other ways to get involved:
Donate a silent auction item for our Fall Festival.​​
Donate or provide items for Teacher Appreciation events held throughout the year. The official Teacher Appreciation week is held in May each year but we have back to school opportunities and holiday opportunities.
Host a School Spirit Night– we are looking for ways to celebrate our school outside of school 3-4 times a year.